St George's Day (Blu-ray)
St George's Day is a British crime thriller that follows the story of infamous gangster cousins Micky Mannock and Ray Collishaw. Having long since graduated from the terraces they now run the top firm in London. But when they lose a drug shipment belonging to the Russian Mafia, a turf war threatens to tear their empire apart.
Their only hope is a potential heist in Berlin that'll clear their debts and set them up for life. Pursued by the Russians and the police they travel undercover with a huge English super firm who are heading across to watch the 3 Lions play Germany on St George's Day.
While the police are diverted by the England and German firms going head to head in the mother of all battles, Micky and Ray have one shot at the heist that could save both themselves and everything they've ever fought for. But they hadn't counted on a grass at the heart of their firm whose sole intent is to bring them crashing down.